One ice-blue eyed girl

Publié le par Kormin

Last day of work as a guid in the castle.

One month and half working there. It has been:

*41 days of work
*234 hours of work
*97 visitors in 28 visits (including 78 french, 12 english, 3 dutch, 2 american, 2 franco-brasilian)
*136 children and coordinators in 9 group visits
......................................................................................for a total of 233 visitors in 37 visits.
*around 37 hours of visits
*estimate of 20 hours of conversation with welfare cases
*estimate of 15 hours listening people complaning
*estimate of 10 hours of interesting conversations with interesting people (visits not include)
*around 35 € of tip
*too much pigeons and cooing
*too much frustrations
*some crows and cawing
*3 kilos of 14th July firework litter
*3 rats
*2 dead crows
*1 bat
*1 bilingual visit
*1 ice-blue eyed girl

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